Hockey vs Laurel Hill, Rugby vs Ennis Club, Bunratty Castle

Today we played our last fixtures of the tour.  The girls played against Laurel Hill School at the University of Limerick.
Despite it being freezing cold and wet the girls made use of their opportunities in the first half and managed to score 2 goals.  Some really good play from Jodi Biggar (captain), Chelsea-Lea Smith (vice-captain) and Emma Ratcliff ensured we got up to the goals.  Unfortunately in the second half we didn't utilise all our chances in the circle.  Some missed tackles allowed them to score 2 goals in the second half leaving the score as a draw.  A good game all around, with the strengths being very even.

The boys then played Ennis Rugby Club on the all-weather turf also at the University of Limerick.  The Ennis Rugby Club were runners up in the all Irish Cup final and were very strong opponents.  Our boys stuck to their structures and played well.  Unfortunately the result was not in our favour however the entire tour experience has put us in a very positive space for the upcoming season.

From our last fixture we made our way to the Bunratty Castle for some lunch and sightseeing.  The castle built in 1425 and the architecture was incredible.  The kids really enjoyed experiencing this.


  1. Enjoy the last few days, St Henry's. Safe travels home.


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